Saturday, February 18, 2012

Summary Box: China faces conflict in iPad row

Again, quite clear telltale signs that the West truly does not understand China. It isn't a tough choice. Apple can manufacture in China, sure, but it is not a priority for iPad to be sold inside China. Besides, Apple can change its name for China. 

Western press are way off the track if they think Beijing will intervene on this.

February 17, 2012 12:55 PM

(AP) TOUGH CHOICE: In Apple's dispute over the iPad trademark, Chinese officials can either side with a struggling Chinese company that a court says owns the name or with a global brand that has created hundreds of thousands of jobs.

DETERMINING FACTOR: Experts say Beijing's political priorities rather than the courts will prevail.

WHAT'S AT STAKE: Shenzhen Proview Technology has a strong case under Chinese trademark law, but that could quickly change if Beijing decides to intervene, legal experts say.