Thursday, December 20, 2012

Israel's Illegal Settlement Activities in the oPt

//Of course Israel will play on its own terms. Would you pacify the rest of the international community when your live in a hostile neighbourhood? UN should stop acting horrified to know Israel is doing what it is doing.

Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release that Israel's approval to construct 1,500 new units in the Ramat Shlomo settlement as well as its initiation of the planning process to build in total 5,000 new units in the Givat Hamatos and Gilo settlements constitute the latest example of this country's provocative steps despite the repeated calls and warnings of the international community.

The Ministry strongly condemns this policy of Israel which destroys deliberately the grounds for a lasting and just peace in the region through its illegal settlement activities that trample on the international law.

Israel aims to alter the historical, human, cultural and religious fabric of the Palestinian territories, notably East Jerusalem, through settlement activities pursued unceasingly in the occupied Palestinian territories and other practices that are contrary to international law. Israel must understand that it will never achieve its desired objectives by pursuing unilateral policies. We call upon Israel to fulfill its obligations in accordance with the international law for a lasting peace in the Middle East and to put an end immediately to all of its activities destroying the grounds for peace.

The Ministry calls upon the international community once again to take the necessary measures against the unilateral illegal activities of Israel destroying the two-state solution perspective.

Turkey will continue to stand by the people of Palestine against Israel's unlawful practices which are contrary to the international law.