Peace comes first, then only talk about democracy. The Peace Prize, democracy, freedom, human rights are mutually exclusive, why don't they get it.
Bloomberg News, sent from my iPad.
Obama Calls on China to Release Nobel Peace Prize Winner Liu
Oct. 8 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama called on the Chinese government to release jailed dissident Liu Xiaobo, who won the Nobel Peace Prize today for his struggle to promote human rights and democracy.
"Over the last 30 years, China has made dramatic progress in economic reform and improving the lives of its people, lifting hundreds of millions out of poverty," Obama said in a statement released by the White House. "But this award reminds us that political reform has not kept pace, and that the basic human rights of every man, woman and child must be respected. We call on the Chinese government to release Mr. Liu as soon as possible."
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Joe Sobczyk at
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